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An Ultimate Guide To Delayed Puberty

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Is your daughter wondering when she will have her first periods and worrying of having delayed puberty?

Is your son worrying about why he has not reached puberty like his friends?

This article about delayed puberty is what you need now.

You and your child will get an answer to that ” WHY” and ” WHEN,” related to delay in puberty.

Kids reaching puberty at a suitable time is the primary concern for many parents. 

Early-onset of puberty or delayed puberty has an emotional effect on children.

Puberty is the process of your child reaching sexual maturity and becoming capable of reproducing.

Usually, this happens in girls around 8 to 13 years and boys around 9 to 14 years.

Precocious puberty is the early onset of puberty, and delayed puberty is the late onset of puberty.

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Delayed Puberty

Delayed puberty is the failure to achieve puberty at 13 in girls and 14 in boys.

The condition affects 2 to 3 % of the children.

The constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDFP) is a type of delayed puberty. There is a delay of puberty for few years.

Puberty reaches later in life without any intervention and treatment.

The exact cause for CDFP is unknown, and in some, a family history is present.


The condition presents in boys and girls differently.

In girls:

In Boys:

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Family History

The condition is present in few families. 

The history of parents, uncle, aunt, brothers, and sisters may have reached puberty very late.

It is a constitutional delay, and your child will reach puberty in a usual way.

Medical Conditions

Many diseases can cause delayed puberty in children. 

The conditions alter the expected growth in the child and impair their puberty.

The list of conditions are as follows:

Genetic Disorders

Genetics influences the timing of puberty along with other factors.

Genetic disorders like Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism, Kallmann Syndrome can cause.

Chromosomal abnormalities like Turner’s syndrome will cause problem in children.

Autoimmune Disorders

Celiac disease and Crohn’s disease can cause delayed puberty in some children.

The disease impairs the absorption of nutrients and causes malnutrition also.


The malnourished children can present with delayed puberty along with an effect on linear growth.

The eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa will have problems with periods. 

These are the psychological disorders that cause malnourishment and more common in girls.

Cancer Treatment

The chemotherapy for specific cancers can cause delayed puberty or precocious puberty.

Environmental Exposure

Exposure to lead metal has known to delay the puberty and growth in some children.

The lead metal decreases the LH and estradiol levels and affects the onset of puberty.

Testicular Injury

The testicular injury due to undescended testis and mumps can cause the problem.


The investigation, which the doctor will conduct are:

  1. Family history of the child
  2. Physical examination 
  3. Measurement of height and weight
  4. X-Ray of the bones
  5. Brain Scan for pathology
  6. Sonogram for girls to check the uterus
  7. Measurement of testicular volume

Treatment for Delayed Puberty

The constitutional delay will not need any treatment. These children will meet puberty without any problem.

The medical conditions causing the delay will need medical attention.

A short course of hormonal therapy with testosterone for a few months will treat delayed puberty in males.

Delayed puberty in females is treated with a short course of hormonal therapy with estrogen for a few months and can help reach puberty.

Girls who underwent hormonal therapy can have side effects in their later life like,

The complications of this condition in males are fractures in the latter part of their life.

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Parents Role

Your child is unable to understand that. 

“Why have they not reached puberty when their friends have.?”

Explain to your child that they need to give some time as everyone’s body is different. Thus they reach the puberty milestone at other times.

You should engage your child in the physical activities of his choice to keep involved.

Encourage your child to eat healthy balanced meals and adequate sleep.

Speak to your child to find out if they are being teased or facing any difficulties in school.

Help to build the confidence and build self-esteem in your child. Assure them that time will solve their concerns.

If your child continues to be depressed and concerned about their condition, then consult a therapist. The therapist will help them overcome their worries.

The primary goal is to assure your child that the problem will get solved in time and not feel low till then.