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Second Trimester Symptoms

Second Trimester Symptoms

Three months have passed, and your seven pounds of happiness are six months away from now.

Second-trimester symptoms are not immense. But the first and the third-trimester symptoms can be overwhelming.

The second trimester is the period between the 13th week to the 28th week of pregnancy. 

You have reached the honeymoon phase of pregnancy.

First trimester symptoms like nausea and vomiting settle during the second trimester. Thus you can relax and enjoy this phase of pregnancy as the coming months might make you more tired.

The second-trimester symptoms include:

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Pregnancy Belly

The uterus is a pelvic organ in a non-pregnant woman. It will be approximately the size of a fist.

As the pregnancy progresses, the size of the uterus increases to accommodate the growing baby.

The progression in the pregnancy will make the uterus an abdominal organ. 

The height of the uterus per abdomen provides an estimate of the gestation period.

During the second trimester, the abdomen protrudes, and the pregnancy belly shows up. People around you can notice that you are pregnant.

Expanding uterus can press on the adjacent rectum and bladder. It causes other pregnancy-related symptoms like urinary tract infection and constipation.

Breast Changes

1.Increase In Size

The breasts continue to increase in size to become fuller and heavy. Also, the milk ducts start to fill with milk, thus making them hefty.

The breasts will be less tender and less sensitive during the second trimester. 

Wear a comfortable and bigger size bra to relax your enlarged breasts.

2.Breast Secretion

Breasts can secret the colostrum as early as the second trimester. In some, it can continue to secrete in the third trimester too.

If you squeeze the nipples, you can see the white secretion oozing out of the nipples, and it is normal.

3.Areolar Changes

The areola starts to become larger and darker during the second trimester. The areola is the circular area around the nipples on the breasts.

It will start to get broader and darker as the pregnancy progresses.

The areolar changes will help the newborn to notice the nipples. In addition, it enhances the latching while breastfeeding.

4.Nipple Changes

The increased blood supply and the hormonal changes will cause the nipples to be erect. It also increases in size.

You might notice that your nipples are always erect during pregnancy.

There is a medical reason for it to be erect unless it is upright for another reason.

Nasal Congestions 

1.Nasal Stuffiness

There are noticeable circulatory changes during pregnancy.

The increased blood supply to the small nasal blood vessels will cause swelling in the nose, and in turn, presents nasal congestion. 

Nasal congestion can start as early as the second trimester. It can get worsen during the third trimester.

The symptoms of nasal congestion are like symptoms of allergic Hay fever.

It is non-infective hence non-contagious.

2.Nasal Bleeding

Few pregnant women present with nasal bleeding. It is due to the engorgement of the superficial small nasal veins.

Bleeding is common and the hormone effect is seen.

It is not harmful to the baby or you.

3.Change In Nose Shape

Hormone estrogen increases the blood supply. It increases the nose size and alters the external appearance of the nose.

The nose looks big compared to your pre-pregnancy nose size.

Oral Problems

Hormonal changes of the pregnancy affect the oral mucosa and present with an array of symptoms.

1.Pregnancy Gingivitis

It is the gum diseases seen during the pregnancy due to the pregnancy hormone influence.

Pregnancy hormone makes gums more prone to plaques formation. Also, the gums become red, swollen, and tender due to inflammation. 

Due to gums sensitivity, they start to bleed for a gentle tease or during brushing.

Pregnancy gingivitis is present around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. It is prevalent in more than 50% of pregnant women.

The bacterias involved in gingivitis are Prevotella and Porphyromonas.

These bacterias are gaining nutrition from the pregnancy hormone progesterone.


The cavities during the pregnancy are due to 

The acid content in the vomit will disrupt the enamel and cause tooth decay.

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1.Acid Reflux

Heartburn due to acid reflux during pregnancy is common.

Hormonal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter plays a key role here. The relaxation allows the acidic food content from the stomach to enter the esophagus.

The refluxed acidic content causes a burning sensation in your chest. Thus intake of any kind of food will induce heartburn for you.

2.Pressure From The Growing Fetus

The growing uterus exerts pressure on the stomach during the second trimester. The pressure will push the food content back into the esophagus. As a result, it causes heartburn, and the intensity of the heartburn increase as the pregnancy progresses.

There is chest pain following the food intake and the altered taste sensation in the mouth.


An increase in the progesterone levels relaxes the intestinal smooth muscles. Unfortunately, the relaxation of the smooth muscles makes it hard to flush the stools outside the body.

Intake of iron supplements during pregnancy can cause constipation.

Prolong constipation can cause hemorrhoids due to the straining while passing the bowel. Besides, the straining causes the swelling of the veins.

The hemorrhoids are frequent during the third trimester than the second.

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Baby Movements

The first movement of your baby felt by you is Quickening.

It usually starts at around 18 weeks of pregnancy. However, some women have noticed baby movements as early as 13 weeks. 

You can feel baby movement very early during the second pregnancy than the first.

Initial baby movements are very fine and need to concentrate on recognizing them. The action is more like flutters during the initial period of the pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks Contraction 

It is the contractions and relaxation of muscles of the uterine wall.

These are not the actual labor contractions, thus known as false contractions.

The mild contractions start around 20 weeks of pregnancy. But they are significant during the third trimester.

Braxton Hicks contractions are mild, less intensive, non-progressive contractions, and felt on the abdomen. They will stop if you rest, walks, or change your position.

The contraction is of short duration, and you can feel your abdomen becoming hard.


Dizziness during the second trimester is due to low blood pressure. 

In addition, it can be from the stress of the gravid uterus on the abdominal vessels, carrying blood back to the heart.

Thus it is ideal to sleep on the left side of your body so that the pregnant uterus will not press on the inferior vena cava allowing the free flow of blood to the heart.

Avoid sleeping flat on your back or your stomach during the second trimester.

Keep away from sleeping on the right side during the second trimester of pregnancy. Significant vessels like aorta and vena cava are present on the right side of the spine. Thus, sleeping on the right lateral side will press these vessels.

It can affect the blood supply to you and your growing baby.

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Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the engorged superficial veins of the legs. They are due to the pressure from the gravid uterus on the inferior vena cava.

There is a pooling of the blood due to the pressure on the large vessels in pregnancy. It will cause the engorgement of the superficial veins of the lower limbs.

It can be itchy, painful, and uncomfortable. Also, the veins look enlarged and tortuous.

Walking and standing for a long time can increase the pressure in these veins.

Increased Appetite

Nausea and vomiting resolve during the second trimester. Hence in most women, the food cravings and appetite will pick up.

Demand from the growing baby for nutrition will keep you hungrier.

You can consume around 2000 to 2200 calories per day during the second trimester. It will take care of the nutrition for you and the baby.

Leg Cramps

The involuntary contractions of the leg muscle are leg cramps. It is common during pregnancy, and cramps occur at night when you are asleep.

It affects the calf and foot muscles. The cramps arise during the second and third trimesters.

The main reason for the leg cramps are:

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Vaginal Discharge

There will be a white, clear, sticky vaginal discharge during the second trimester. 

Any alteration in color and odor requires you to contact your health care provider.

Back Ache

The low backache of the pregnancy will start during the second trimester. It can continue to the third trimester.

It is prevalent, and every third of pregnant women has low backache during the pregnancy.

There is a change in the posture due to the growing uterus. A shift in the body’s center of gravity in pregnant women develops a typical pregnancy gait. It affects the back muscles and causes mild back pain.

Urinary Tract Infection

The pressure on the bladder from the growing uterus causes stasis of urine. Furthermore, the hormonal changes cause urinary tract infections in pregnant women.

Pregnant women will have

Pain In The Lower Abdomen

You may feel mild lower belly pain during the second and third trimesters.

The pain is due to the stretching of the round ligament due to the expanding uterus. 

Swelling In The Ankle And Feet

Water retention in pregnancy causes swelling in the legs and ankle. It worsens as you progress to the third trimester.

The swelling usually develops towards the end of the day.

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All in all.

Watch for the symptoms during the second trimester. Inform your healthcare provider about symptoms you have. 

Be observant about the warning signs during the second trimester.

Sit back and relax these three months. Enjoy the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. Cherish the happiness of carrying a precious world inside your baby bump.

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