Time Flies,
So true.
You might remember recently bringing your little angel to your home sweet home. And here she is today in front of you, all ready to shape up into a more beautiful human being like her mommy.
It is a crucial phase in your daughter’s life. Many physical changes are in the process of preparing her for reproductive life. The puberty in girls is a step towards the adult life.
This article of whispering blogs has enumerated vital information and a guide for your puberty girl. The signs of the puberty can be easily noticed in your daughter by the end of this article.
Puberty in girls is a crucial period as your daughter attains sexual maturation to become capable of reproducing and transits from childhood to adult life.
The puberty onset and duration vary from one girl to another. The average puberty age range in girls is around 8 to 14 years.
In recent years, girls have started to attain at a much earlier age.
The girls reach it at a much earlier age than boys.
The process of changes can go on for 2 to 5 years. Yes, you read it right. You see, Rome was not built in a day.
Obese girls attain puberty earlier than lean girls.
Leptin is a protein formed by fat cells or adipocytes. More adipocytes in an adolescent’s body can make more leptin. It speeds up the pubertal process and the onset of puberty.
The leptin levels increase right before the girls reach puberty.
Obese girls who attain puberty very early, as less than eight years, are called precocious puberty.
If your daughter is obese, there are high chances of her attaining periods at an earlier age.
The onset will follow a similar pattern in families. As they say,” runs in the family.”
The girls follow their mother or sister. The age you attained your menses can determine the age of onset in her.
The environmental factors and stress levels influence the onset of menses in your daughter.
The chemical lead levels in the blood of your daughter can delay the onset.
The first signs of puberty in girls are increase in breast size.
The breast changes are due to the puberty hormones estrogen and progesterone. The breast becomes prominent and round.
The belly and hip areas look round and full due to the deposition of fat. This change in the physical appearance also marks as a sign of puberty in girls.
Hair growth in the pubic area starts after breast development. The underarm hair growth follows the pubic hair growth.
The shape of the pubic hair growth in your daughter will be an inverted triangle shape. The pubic hair will become thick and curly over the years.
The growth spurt is the next change you notice in your daughter following the hair growth.
Your daughter will reach most of her adult height before menstruation occurs.
Your daughter will grow two to three inches per year during the pubertal years.
Maintain a balanced diet around this period. It will help your daughter achieve the growth spurt without any nutritional deficits.
The girls will complete their growth for their life earlier than the boys. It happens so because the growth plates, also called epiphyseal plates of the long bones, fuse earlier in the girls than the boys.
The genital will grow to have their characteristic shape.
The vagina is cover by the outer part called the vulva. The vulva during this period will become intensely pigmented.
The signs of the puberty and the development are classified into 5 stages by Tanner. The staging will help us to know the sexual maturity in a girl.
The signs of the puberty are also used to conduct a physical examination of a girl during the routine medical checkups.
The Tanner staging examines the breast, pubic hair, growth and other features.
Your daughter can experience many emotional changes during this phase. They can become intense, confused, angry, or mood swings. Sometimes they may learn to be responsible.
Your daughter’s bone size and strength will increase during these periods.
The hormones have a role in the bone changes seen.
During this period, your daughter is prone to fractures.
The hormonal changes in your daughter will stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum. The sebaceous glands are attached to the hair follicles. The increased production of sebum will clog the pores to form puberty pimples.
Your daughter’s body is growing during this period. Thus it creates a demand for nutrients.
Failure to consume a balanced diet can cause anemia as there is also a monthly blood loss that is new to her body.
Anemia can cause delayed periods in some incidences.
The rapid growth spurt in your daughter’s body causes the eyeball to lengthen. Myopia or nearsightedness may develop. Your daughter will notice nearer objects but not the far ones as a clear image.
The hormones are responsible for myopia during puberty. The condition is temporary and usually settles once the body gets adjusted.
Plan to get the checkup done by an ophthalmologist.
Your daughter has attained menses before the age of eight, then schedule a visit to her doctor.
When your daughter has not developed any physical signs of puberty until the age of 14, schedule a doctor visit.
The menarche is attaining the first periods and starting their reproductive period.
It is anovulatory during the initial few months, which means ovulation is not taking place. Thus the menstruation is irregular, painful, and with cramps during the first few periods. It may take two years to six years to get regulated.
Comfort your daughter as your mother did it to you when you attained menarche. She needs you now. Your daughter will be comfortable sharing about new changes in her body with you. Be there for her when she has attained this prime milestone of her life.