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Category: Personal Development

Best Passive Income Ideas 2021

Make money while you sleep is the basis for passive income.

” If You Don’t Find A Way To Make Money While You Sleep,
You Will Work Until You Die”
By Warren Buffet…

Emergency Fund

Life is uncertain and does not follow our plan. The unforeseen situations of life coming your way will cost money. Therefore, it is wise to anticipate the unpredicted expenses and reserve savings as the Emergency Fund…

What Can You Do With 5 Minutes Break In Pomodoro Technique

Have you wondered, “What to do in 5 minutes Pomodoro break?

Pomodoro technique is a traditional method. It uses a timer to break each time block into a 25 minutes task and 5 minutes of a short break…

Time Blocking Method And Tips

Time blocking method is a habit of planning your daily schedule into time blocks with a specific timeframe for each task. It is a perfect tool to organize and focus on accomplishing your day’s schedule.

Time blocking will lend a helping hand to control your day and to avoid procrastination…

12 Best Personal Development Quotes

Are you one of those who loves to read the quotes?

Quotes are little snippet with strong meaning embedded in them.

You will definitely love these best personal development quotes and here are some reasons why you should read them:

1.They are compact and easy to remember.

2.Creates positiveness…

5 Better Money Habits For Beginners

“Success doesn’t come from what you occasionally do; it comes from what you do consistently.”
By Marie Forleo

This quote by Mr. Marie Forleo always motivates me when I need to achieve my goals.

The passage clearly emphasises that any successful plan needs to be executed consistently.

The realistic and straightforward habit will help you achieve your goal in a short period…