First Trimester Symptoms

Being pregnant is a greatest gift of your life. But, I know it can be overwhelming for a few out there and glowy for rest during the first trimester.

Knowing what to look for during the first trimester will make you confident to enjoy the journey.

The first trimester is the initial and the first phase of the pregnancy.

It begins with the first day of the previous period to the last day of the twelfth week of pregnancy. Roughly it is the first three months of pregnancy.

Knowing about the changes going on will make the next nine months smooth and stress-free.

First Trimester Symptoms

We have put together essential symptoms of the first trimester for you.

Symptoms mentioned below may not be present in all pregnant women. 

Hormones and hormones.

Most of the symptoms seen during the pregnancy are due to hormonal changes.

1.No Monthly Periods

The cessation of periods is the first symptom of pregnancy. When your period is late, you plan to do a home pregnancy test. The test will confirm your pregnancy.

The home pregnancy test is positive after one week of missed periods.

It can also be positive as early as seven days after the conception in a few.

You can calculate the expected date of delivery based on the date of first day of last menstural period.


You might notice spotting around the same time of your periods until 12 weeks of pregnancy. 

Around 25% of pregnant women have slight bleeding during the first trimester.

Implantation bleeding with mild cramps during the early stages presents with spotting.

It is normal to have a scanty and shorter duration of bleeding in the initial few weeks of pregnancy. 

Inform your obstetrician about the occurrence and nature of bleeding.

3.Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting which is present in pregnant women. It is more common during the first trimester.

The feeling of throwing up can be present any time of the day and not in the morning.

Morning sickness is present in 70% of pregnant mothers. It is more common during the first pregnancy.

Few mothers may continue to have nausea and vomiting in the second and third trimesters as well. Yet, in most cases, nausea and vomiting are present till 16 weeks of pregnancy.

First Trimester Symptoms
Photo Credit – Unsplash


Some pregnant women may notice dizziness during the first trimester. 

Pregnancy causes lower blood pressure. The growing uterus can press on the veins and hamper blood return to the heart. The decreased blood supply causes dizziness in you.

5.Breast Changes

The areola and nipples become pigmented. Your breast may become swollen, sensitive, and painful.

There is a constant feeling of fullness of the breast during the pregnancy.

Breast changes start as early as one to two weeks after conception.

Nipples will become large and more prominent.

Colostrum, a thick yellow secretion, is secreted from some women’s breasts during the first trimester.

An increase in the breast size will need you to skip the bra size and wear a wireless support bra.

6.Heart Burn

The heartburn can start during the first trimester. It extends to be there during the entire pregnancy period.

The increase in the progesterone level causes the relaxation of the gastroesophageal sphincter. 

The relaxation causes the backward movement of food and acid content of the stomach into the esophagus. 

Refluxed contents cause a burning sensation in the chest.

The relaxation of the gut is to absorb the nutrients from the intestine for the baby’s growth.


An increase in the progesterone levels relaxes the gut smooth muscles. The relaxation of the muscles causes constipation.

Intake of iron supplements during the pregnancy can cause constipation also.

8.Bloating Sensation

The slow movement of the intestine due to the progesterone will let the gas develop. As a result, there is bloating sensation and burping present.

9.Food Craving

Your sudden urge to eat some particular kind of food is the food craving. It is the change in hormones that make you crave savory and mouth-watering food.

The most craved foods are ice cream, pickles, spicy food, cheese, etc.


It is normal to feel tired during the first trimester. It is due to the hormonal influence; thus, you have to rest when you have time.

An increase in fatigue will cause excessive sleepiness. It is your body’s way to express what it needs is rest.

11.Increased Urination

Increased frequency of urination can be an annoying symptom. 

It is due to the uterus pressing on the bladder and increased thirst in pregnant women.

12.Mood Swings

The changes in the estrogen and progesterone levels control your mood. As a result, mood swings are more common during the first trimester.

You can get angry, sudden emotional outbursts and excessive crying for minor triggers.

First Trimester Symptoms
Photo Credit – Unsplash

13.Weight Gain

You will not gain much weight during the first trimester. Nausea can limit your food intake.

On average, women will gain 2 to 4 pounds during the first trimester.


The increase in the hormones causes the increased secretion of sebum.

The sebum will clog the pores and cause breakouts.

It is more common in the first and second trimesters.

An increase in the sebum secretion makes the skin shinier. The increased blood supply to the facial skin gives a flushed look to the face. These two factors together offer a beautiful glow to your pregnant face.

15.Smell Sensitivity

You may develop to pick smell in a very intense way and may become sensitive to it. Unfortunately, there are cases wherein this strong sense of smell induces nausea.

The aversion to specific smells like food, metal, and sometimes to body odor.

Sensitivity to smell can alter your taste sense and hence change in food preferences as well.

16.Vaginal Discharge Changes

Increased hormonal levels and increased blood supply to the vagina causes excess secretions.

A sticky, white to pale yellow mucus secretion is present during the first trimester.

The increase in secretion is to prevent the movement of the organism from ascending into the vaginal canal.

17.Nasal Congestion

Pregnancy rhinitis is present in around 20 to 40% of pregnant women. 

It is due to the increased blood supply to the nasal mucosa along with the nasal vein engorgement.

Nasal congestion is more common during the first and second trimesters.


Pregnancy is a beginning of a beautiful journey of motherhood.

If these symptoms make you uncomfortable, contact your obstetrician immediately, and they will take care of you.

You have to be watchful about the few warning signs of first trimester. 

Warning Signs During Pregnancy requires you to visit your obstetrician immediately.

Enjoy this remarkable journey and embrace motherhood.