What Can You Do With 5 Minutes Break In Pomodoro Technique

Have you wondered, “What can you do In 5 minutes Pomodoro break?

Pomodoro technique is a traditional time management method. It uses a timer to break each time block into a 25 minutes task and 5 minutes of a short break.

The Pomodoro technique follows five minutes of break between the task. It helps you refresh and break you from that main task.

You must do a different task in that 5 minutes break. This need not be walking, coffee break or meditation; instead, you can also plan to do small daily chores at home.

5 Minutes break in Pomodoro Technique.
Time Management
Time blocking
Photo Credit – Pixabay

We have shared a long list of small and simple ideas of what you can do in that 5 minutes break every day. 

  1. Take a walk in your garden or inside your house.
  2. Start a routine with body stretches to relax those tense muscles due to working in front of the computer.
  3. A short coffee break will boost your energy with caffeine.
  4. Bathroom break. It is not right to hold on without peeing for a long time.
  5. Grab a snack to get some extra energy.
  6. Do some floor exercises, squats, or lift some weight.
  7. Clean up your desk as the clean desk will reflect positive energy to you.
  8. Go outside and breathe some fresh air.
  9. Listen to your favorite music. It will elevate your mood and increases productivity.
  10. Update your to-do list to plan your day.
  11. Have refreshing breaks with your hobby. Hobbies will lighten your mood and relaxes you from your busy work schedule.
  12. Cut the vegetables for meal preparation.
  13. Declutter your office table drawer. Throw the unwanted paper, old stationery, and unused office stuff.
  14. Collect the laundry clothes and load them. Plan to unload the laundry in your next break.
  15. Meditate to relax and rejuvenate.
  16. Breathing exercises to slow down a bit.
  17. Refill the papers to the printer and copier.
  18. Shred the unwanted paper.
  19. Water your plants.
  20. Do the push-ups to become more active.
  21. Organize your office desk.
  22. Vacuum one room at a time.
  23. Take out the trash.
  24. Talk to your family in the break to check on them.
  25. Play with your children.
  26. Play with your pets.
  27. Fold the laundry clothes.
  28. Empty the dishwasher and load it for the next round of washing.
  29. Feed your pet.
  30. Get the mails from the mailbox.
  31. Read an article from a magazine.
  32. Make your bed.
  33. Drink a glass of water.
  34. Clear the refrigerator and declutter to trash the spoilt leftovers.
  35. Clean the carpet.
  36. Pay bills online.
  37. Clean the bathroom.
  38. Make a grocery list.
  39. Dust the bookshelf.
  40. Read a section from the novel you are reading.
  41. Write a daily journal.
  42. Get an update on the news.
  43. Note down the priority work for the next week.
  44. Return the phone calls.
  45. Note down the expenses for the week.
  46. Schedule the appointments.
  47. Review your tomorrow’s schedule.
  48. Declutter the laptop and mobile for apps.
  49. Dust the pieces of furniture.
  50. Plan a vacation.
5 Minutes Break in Pomodoro technique
Time management
Time blocking

Work from home has given us the advantage of finishing our minor chores of the house in this short five-minute break. It will provide you a gentle push to getting started towards being productive.

Doing these small works between the task will allow you to spend more with your loved ones.

Manage your time to become more productive and successful.