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Category: Newborn

What Causes Constipation In Newborn

Constipation in newborns can be a worry for few parents.  I know that Poopy diapers are the worst, but what’s worse than that? Worrying about why your baby is not pooping at all for a few days when things are going smoothly.  Constipation in newborns can be very painful for newborn. While you go over all the likely causes, one thing to keep in mind in between…

How Often Newborn Feed

Welcome to motherhood, and every day is a new day with your newborn.

As a new mom, you are trying to adjust to your newborn’s routine. You are learning to understand your baby’s feeding and sleeping needs.

You may often wonder that how often newborns feed…

Tongue Tie In Newborn – An Ultimate Guide

Tongue tie is the condition in which the child has a lingual frenulum that is abnormally attached and limits the free movement of the tongue.

This article will share all the essential facts about the tongue tie in a comprehensive way…

Can Newborn Drink Water

Wondering whether “Can Newborn Drink Water.”

You are doing the right thing by reading the information regarding your concern rather than starting water for your newborn.

It is better to get some knowledge about the introduction of water as you may not realize what harm you may bring to your baby…

12 Facts About Breastmilk Jaundice.

Breastmilk is nature’s best food for your newborn. Your primary responsibility is to provide breast milk to your baby.

Breastmilk jaundice is the yellowish discolouration of the skin, sclera, or mucous membrane…